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Continuous 4v4 with Capacity to Recover

By Alex Trukan

This game is focused on developing players’ capacity to recover quick bursts. The quicker energy stores will be refuelled, the more intense actions can be produced early. These outcomes are achieved within highly engaging 4v4 games scenario which improve players’ decision making, wide range of technical abilities as well as working as a team. It also challenges players’ concentration and dealing with pressure as the game finishes if one of the teams scores!

Set up and directions
Organise 30 x 45 yards pitch with two goals as shown on the diagram below. Assign goalkeepers to goals. Divide the team into two groups of eight. Then further divide the groups into two teams of four. First two groups start on the pitch, the other two wait on the side of the goals. Prepare a sufficient supply of balls in goals.

The practice starts with one of the goalkeepers playing the ball out into the attacking team. Then, the game continues with both teams trying to score in the opposite goals. No corners apply – the game is restarted from the goalkeeper.

The game continues until one of the teams score a first goal. The pitch is relatively long for this format so direct play and quick combinations should be encouraged. Both teams come off the pitch when the first goal is scored. The team that scored it gets 1 point.

As soon as the goal is scored and two teams come off the pitch, the next two come onto it straight away and the game continuous with new 4v4s. Points from both teams get accumulated and the final score decides the winner.

Each team should complete 6-10 repetitions (min. 12 games) in 2 series. Rest between repetitions should be 1-3 minutes and between series – 4 minutes.

– 3v3’s
– The quicker the goal is scored the more it is worth (ex. within 1 min. – 3 points)
– No back passes allowed

By Alex Trukan, Development Coach, Nottingham Forest – @AlexTrukan